home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #include-once
- ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;
- ; AutoIt Version: 3.2
- ; Author(s): Jeremy Landes <jlandes at landeserve dot com>
- ; David Nuttall <danuttall at rocketmail dot com>
- ; Philip Gump <cyberslug at autoitscript dot com>
- ; Holger Kotsch <Holger dot Kotsch at GMX dot de>
- ; Dave...
- ; Description: This file is meant to be included in an AutoIt v3 script to
- ; provide access to these constants.
- ;
- ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;==============================================
- ; AutoIt Options Constants
- ;==============================================
- ; Sets the way coords are used in the mouse and pixel functions
- Global Const $OPT_COORDSRELATIVE = 0 ; Relative coords to the active window
- Global Const $OPT_COORDSABSOLUTE = 1 ; Absolute screen coordinates (default)
- Global Const $OPT_COORDSCLIENT = 2 ; Relative coords to client area
- ; Sets how errors are handled if a Run/RunWait function fails
- Global Const $OPT_ERRORSILENT = 0 ; Silent error (@error set to 1)
- Global Const $OPT_ERRORFATAL = 1 ; Fatal error (default)
- ; Alters the use of Caps Lock
- Global Const $OPT_CAPSNOSTORE = 0 ; Don't store/restore Caps Lock state
- Global Const $OPT_CAPSSTORE = 1 ; Store/restore Caps Lock state (default)
- ; Alters the method that is used to match window titles
- Global Const $OPT_MATCHSTART = 1 ; Match the title from the start (default)
- Global Const $OPT_MATCHANY = 2 ; Match any substring in the title
- Global Const $OPT_MATCHEXACT = 3 ; Match the title exactly
- Global Const $OPT_MATCHADVANCED = 4 ; Use advanced window matching (deprecated)
- ;==============================================
- ; File Constants
- ;==============================================
- ; Indicates file copy and install options
- Global Const $FC_NOOVERWRITE = 0 ; Do not overwrite existing files (default)
- Global Const $FC_OVERWRITE = 1 ; Overwrite existing files
- ; Indicates file date and time options
- Global Const $FT_MODIFIED = 0 ; Date and time file was last modified (default)
- Global Const $FT_CREATED = 1 ; Date and time file was created
- Global Const $FT_ACCESSED = 2 ; Date and time file was last accessed
- ; Indicates the mode to open a file
- Global Const $FO_READ = 0 ; Read mode
- Global Const $FO_APPEND = 1 ; Write mode (append)
- Global Const $FO_OVERWRITE = 2 ; Write mode (erase previous contents)
- Global Const $FO_BINARY = 16 ; Read/Write mode binary
- Global Const $FO_UNICODE = 32 ; Write mode Unicode UTF16-LE
- Global Const $FO_UTF16_LE = 32 ; Write mode Unicode UTF16-LE
- Global Const $FO_UTF16_BE = 64 ; Write mode Unicode UTF16-BE
- Global Const $FO_UTF8 = 128 ; Write mode Unicode UTF8
- ; Indicates file read options
- Global Const $EOF = -1 ; End-of-file reached
- ; Indicates file open and save dialog options
- Global Const $FD_FILEMUSTEXIST = 1 ; File must exist
- Global Const $FD_PATHMUSTEXIST = 2 ; Path must exist
- Global Const $FD_MULTISELECT = 4 ; Allow multi-select
- Global Const $FD_PROMPTCREATENEW = 8 ; Prompt to create new file
- Global Const $FD_PROMPTOVERWRITE = 16 ; Prompt to overWrite file
- ;==============================================
- ; Keyboard Constants
- ;==============================================
- ; Changes how keys are processed
- Global Const $KB_SENDSPECIAL = 0 ; Special characters indicate key presses (default)
- Global Const $KB_SENDRAW = 1 ; Keys are sent raw
- ; Sets the state of the Caps Lock key
- Global Const $KB_CAPSOFF = 0 ; Caps Lock is off
- Global Const $KB_CAPSON = 1 ; Caps Lock is on
- ;==============================================
- ; Message Box Constants
- ;==============================================
- ; Indicates the buttons displayed in the message box
- Global Const $MB_OK = 0 ; One push button: OK
- Global Const $MB_OKCANCEL = 1 ; Two push buttons: OK and Cancel
- Global Const $MB_ABORTRETRYIGNORE = 2 ; Three push buttons: Abort, Retry, and Ignore
- Global Const $MB_YESNOCANCEL = 3 ; Three push buttons: Yes, No, and Cancel
- Global Const $MB_YESNO = 4 ; Two push buttons: Yes and No
- Global Const $MB_RETRYCANCEL = 5 ; Two push buttons: Retry and Cancel
- ; Displays an icon in the message box
- Global Const $MB_ICONHAND = 16 ; Stop-sign icon
- Global Const $MB_ICONQUESTION = 32 ; Question-mark icon
- Global Const $MB_ICONEXCLAMATION = 48 ; Exclamation-point icon
- Global Const $MB_ICONASTERISK = 64 ; Icon consisting of an 'i' in a circle
- ; Indicates the default button
- Global Const $MB_DEFBUTTON1 = 0 ; The first button is the default button
- Global Const $MB_DEFBUTTON2 = 256 ; The second button is the default button
- Global Const $MB_DEFBUTTON3 = 512 ; The third button is the default button
- ; Indicates the modality of the dialog box
- Global Const $MB_APPLMODAL = 0 ; Application modal
- Global Const $MB_SYSTEMMODAL = 4096 ; System modal
- Global Const $MB_TASKMODAL = 8192 ; Task modal
- ; Indicates miscellaneous message box attributes
- Global Const $MB_TOPMOST = 262144 ; top-most attribute
- Global Const $MB_RIGHTJUSTIFIED = 524288 ; right-justified title and text
- ; Indicates the button selected in the message box
- Global Const $IDTIMEOUT = -1 ; The message box timed out
- Global Const $IDOK = 1 ; OK button was selected
- Global Const $IDCANCEL = 2 ; Cancel button was selected
- Global Const $IDABORT = 3 ; Abort button was selected
- Global Const $IDRETRY = 4 ; Retry button was selected
- Global Const $IDIGNORE = 5 ; Ignore button was selected
- Global Const $IDYES = 6 ; Yes button was selected
- Global Const $IDNO = 7 ; No button was selected
- Global Const $IDTRYAGAIN = 10 ; Try Again button was selected
- Global Const $IDCONTINUE = 11 ; Continue button was selected
- ;==============================================
- ; Progress and Splash Constants
- ;==============================================
- ; Indicates properties of the displayed progress or splash dialog
- Global Const $DLG_NOTITLE = 1 ; Titleless window
- Global Const $DLG_NOTONTOP = 2 ; Without "always on top" attribute
- Global Const $DLG_TEXTLEFT = 4 ; Left justified text
- Global Const $DLG_TEXTRIGHT = 8 ; Right justified text
- Global Const $DLG_MOVEABLE = 16 ; Window can be moved
- Global Const $DLG_TEXTVCENTER = 32 ; Splash text centered vertically
- ;==============================================
- ; Tray Tip Constants
- ;==============================================
- ; Indicates the type of Balloon Tip to display
- Global Const $TIP_ICONNONE = 0 ; No icon (default)
- Global Const $TIP_ICONASTERISK = 1 ; Info icon
- Global Const $TIP_ICONEXCLAMATION = 2 ; Warning icon
- Global Const $TIP_ICONHAND = 3 ; Error icon
- Global Const $TIP_NOSOUND = 16 ; No sound
- ;==============================================
- ; Mouse Constants
- ;==============================================
- ; Indicates current mouse cursor
- Global Const $IDC_UNKNOWN = 0 ; Unknown cursor
- Global Const $IDC_APPSTARTING = 1 ; Standard arrow and small hourglass
- Global Const $IDC_ARROW = 2 ; Standard arrow
- Global Const $IDC_CROSS = 3 ; Crosshair
- Global Const $IDC_HELP = 4 ; Arrow and question mark
- Global Const $IDC_IBEAM = 5 ; I-beam
- Global Const $IDC_ICON = 6 ; Obsolete
- Global Const $IDC_NO = 7 ; Slashed circle
- Global Const $IDC_SIZE = 8 ; Obsolete
- Global Const $IDC_SIZEALL = 9 ; Four-pointed arrow pointing N, S, E, and W
- Global Const $IDC_SIZENESW = 10 ; Double-pointed arrow pointing NE and SW
- Global Const $IDC_SIZENS = 11 ; Double-pointed arrow pointing N and S
- Global Const $IDC_SIZENWSE = 12 ; Double-pointed arrow pointing NW and SE
- Global Const $IDC_SIZEWE = 13 ; Double-pointed arrow pointing W and E
- Global Const $IDC_UPARROW = 14 ; Vertical arrow
- Global Const $IDC_WAIT = 15 ; Hourglass
- ;==============================================
- ; Process Constants
- ;==============================================
- ; Indicates the type of shutdown
- Global Const $SD_LOGOFF = 0 ; Logoff
- Global Const $SD_SHUTDOWN = 1 ; Shutdown
- Global Const $SD_REBOOT = 2 ; Reboot
- Global Const $SD_FORCE = 4 ; Force
- Global Const $SD_POWERDOWN = 8 ; Power down
- ;==============================================
- ; String Constants
- ;==============================================
- ; Indicates if string operations should be case sensitive
- Global Const $STR_NOCASESENSE = 0 ; Not case sensitive (default)
- Global Const $STR_CASESENSE = 1 ; Case sensitive
- ; IndicateS the type of stripping that should be performed
- Global Const $STR_STRIPLEADING = 1 ; Strip leading whitespace
- Global Const $STR_STRIPTRAILING = 2 ; Strip trailing whitespace
- Global Const $STR_STRIPSPACES = 4 ; Strip double (or more) spaces between words
- Global Const $STR_STRIPALL = 8 ; Strip all spaces (over-rides all other flags)
- ;==============================================
- ; Tray Constants
- ;==============================================
- ; Tray predefined ID's
- Global Const $TRAY_ITEM_EXIT = 3
- Global Const $TRAY_ITEM_PAUSE = 4
- Global Const $TRAY_ITEM_FIRST = 7
- ; Tray menu/item state values
- Global Const $TRAY_CHECKED = 1
- Global Const $TRAY_UNCHECKED = 4
- Global Const $TRAY_ENABLE = 64
- Global Const $TRAY_DISABLE = 128
- Global Const $TRAY_FOCUS = 256
- Global Const $TRAY_DEFAULT = 512
- ; Tray event values
- Global Const $TRAY_EVENT_SHOWICON = -3
- Global Const $TRAY_EVENT_HIDEICON = -4
- Global Const $TRAY_EVENT_FLASHICON = -5
- Global Const $TRAY_EVENT_PRIMARYUP = -8
- Global Const $TRAY_EVENT_SECONDARYUP = -10
- Global Const $TRAY_EVENT_MOUSEOVER = -11
- Global Const $TRAY_EVENT_MOUSEOUT = -12
- ;==============================================
- ; STDIO Constants
- ;==============================================
- Global Const $STDIN_CHILD = 1
- Global Const $STDOUT_CHILD = 2
- Global Const $STDERR_CHILD = 4
- ;==============================================
- ; Colour Constants
- ;==============================================
- Global Const $COLOR_BLACK = 0x000000
- Global Const $COLOR_SILVER = 0xC0C0C0
- Global Const $COLOR_GRAY = 0x808080
- Global Const $COLOR_WHITE = 0xFFFFFF
- Global Const $COLOR_MAROON = 0x800000
- Global Const $COLOR_RED = 0xFF0000
- Global Const $COLOR_PURPLE = 0x800080
- Global Const $COLOR_FUCHSIA = 0xFF00FF
- Global Const $COLOR_GREEN = 0x008000
- Global Const $COLOR_LIME = 0x00FF00
- Global Const $COLOR_OLIVE = 0x808000
- Global Const $COLOR_YELLOW = 0xFFFF00
- Global Const $COLOR_NAVY = 0x000080
- Global Const $COLOR_BLUE = 0x0000FF
- Global Const $COLOR_TEAL = 0x008080
- Global Const $COLOR_AQUA = 0x00FFFF
- ;==============================================
- ; Reg Value type Constants
- ;==============================================
- Global Const $REG_NONE = 0
- Global Const $REG_SZ = 1
- Global Const $REG_EXPAND_SZ = 2
- Global Const $REG_BINARY = 3
- Global Const $REG_DWORD = 4
- Global Const $REG_DWORD_BIG_ENDIAN = 5
- Global Const $REG_LINK = 6
- Global Const $REG_MULTI_SZ = 7
- Global Const $REG_RESOURCE_LIST = 8